Management Inc.
Aims to provide a total parking solution for property owners and managers. Our main objective is to ease the burden of lot owners and managers in managing their car park and to provide them the maximum earning potential of the facility.
GlobalParking currently manages 65 car parks utilizing locally developed parking technologies with an efficient management structure and training capabilities.
GlobalParking is a leader in delivering parking strategies that covers all aspects of medium and long term parking individual projects, towns and cities.

Provides a good customer experience to all our managed facilities by providing professional staff and cutting edge car park technology.

Managing different facilities such as offices, residential, shopping malls, hospitals and schools both here and abroad, we guarantee professional, reliable and hassle-free operation.

We are optimistic that we can bring to you and your organization the wealth of knowledge, experience and provide the solution toward the successful operation of your parking facility.

Parking Management
The Parking Management System provides electronic monitoring and management of parking facilities. It supports an I2V link to the Vehicle that allows electronic collection of parking fees and monitors and controls parking meters that support conventional parking fee collection.
Consulting Services
Consultants offer advice and expertise to organisations to help them improve their business performance in terms of operations, profitability, management, structure and strategy. The work stretches across a variety of areas, including management, strategy, IT, finance, marketing, HR and supply chain management.
Hardware and Software Maintenance
Maintenance services include both hardware maintenance and support services, and network software maintenance and support services. Hardware maintenance and support services are preventive and remedial services that physically repair or optimize hardware, including contract maintenance and per-incident repair.
Network Cabling and Lay-outing
Networking cables are networking hardware used to connect one network device to other circuit) are twisted together for the purposes of canceling out electromagnetic interference (EMI) from other wire pairs and from external sources.
Project Development Services
Project management services specialize in planning, coordinating, and executing projects according to specific requirements and constraints. They perform some or all of the activities related to project work, from conceptualization to completion. The end goal is to complete the project on time and within budget.
Project Management
The Project Management Institute, better known as PMI, defines a project as a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Business operations, on the other hand, are ongoing activities that produce long-term, repetitive outputs, such as manufacturing products or supplying services.
System Analysis
The act, process, or profession of studying an activity (such as a procedure, a business, or a physiological function) typically by mathematical means in order to define its goals or purposes and to discover operations and procedures for accomplishing them most efficiently.
System and Hardware Integration
System integration involves integrating existing, often disparate systems in such a way "that focuses on increasing value to the customer" (e.g., improved product quality and performance) while at the same time providing value to the company.
System Audit
A system audit is a disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of a system. Audits are carried out in order to verify that the individual elements within the system are effective and suitable in achieving the stated objectives.
System Development
Systems development is the process of defining, designing, testing and implementing a new software application or program. It can include the internal development of customized systems, the creation of database systems or the acquisition of third party developed software.
System Testing and Commissioning
Testing and commissioning is to be carried out on installations to ensure that they are safe and meet the design requirements. The witnessing of tests on and off site shall be defined by: Design specifications - Mechanical and Electrical. Requirements of the validation process.